On Wednesday, 25th May 2022, ECOPOND Steering Committee held its quarterly online meeting. All the project Partners met to discuss the progress of their work so far and their plans for the nearest future.
Each of the Partners presented the current status of the work within the WPs they lead as well as the calendar of works planned for the summer months in the scope of the given WP. Also the issue of expected publications of each of the Partners was discussed.
Second part of the meeting was dedicated to a mid-project conference that aim is to popularize the topics undertaken within the ECOPOND project. It was agreed that the conference, which will present the current results of the project's research and analysis, would be held in Kraków, in October 2022. The final date will be confirmed by the end of June 2022.
It was also announced that the fourth tranche of project funds had been paid and within next couple of days funds will be transferred to each of the Partners.
During the meeting, Iwona Huber-Dąbrowska, was introduced as a new project Administrative Manager.
The next ECOPOND Steering Committee Meeting is planned for September 2022.